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Tips for Keeping Your Business Running During Construction Times

At one point or another, it’s likely that you as a business owner and operator are going to need to either do some kind of construction work on your building or be affected by someone else’s construction. If you’ve already experienced running a business in a construction zone, you know how difficult it can be to keep your daily operations moving. But if you haven’t yet had to handle construction or renovations, here are three tips for helping your business survive and even thrive in these abnormal times.

Road Construction

When it comes to road construction that could affect your customer’s ability to get to your store, many mitigation tactics are simply out of your control because this isn’t a project you’re in charge of. Depending on where your storefront is located, various branches of the government will be the ones in charge during road construction. However, there are ways you can let your customers know that you’re still in business.


Kay McFadden, a contributor to, recommends 7 ways that a business can react when its traffic is affected by road construction. Some of these methods include staying informed and informing your customers well ahead of time, building relationships with your neighboring store owners to pool resources for marketing your area, finding out if there’s a construction mitigation program in place for affected business owners, and utilizing the media for extra attention.

Exterior Construction

For exterior construction and updates, making the decision to participate in this form of renovation usually comes down to deciding if the improvements that may disrupt business for a while will be worth it in the long run. If you find that they will, there are a few strategies you can use to minimize the distraction of exterior construction for your customers and clients.

According to Elliott Mest of, timing is everything as far as exterior renovation are concerned. If you work in a seasonal industry, plan to do your construction in your off season where the least amount of people will be affected. However, if you don’t work in a seasonal industry, consider using entrances to the building away from the construction or using strategic drapery to make the appearance of the construction less obvious. Your patrons will appreciate it.

Interior Renovations

Unlike road construction and some exterior construction, interior renovations are generally always completely up to you as a business owner. Whether you’re looking to rebrand your image, make updates to your space, or upgrade equipment and interior areas, making renovations on the inside of your business can prove to have big rewards for you in the long run. But closing your doors, even for a few days, could be a major hit to your financials. Luckily, shutting down during renovations isn’t your only option.

Robert Thomas of claims that keeping your doors open during construction could actually be a great marketing idea. By allowing your customers or clients to see the whole process of the renovation while at your business, you can help make them feel like they’re a part of the update. This could also be a great way to get some word-of-mouth business for your company when they tell their friends about the changes taking place in your establishment. Just be prepared to always have a cleaning crew on standby to keep the messes under control.

While construction can be a scary thought for many business owners who feel that construction means losing money, there are actually many options for keeping your business running and your profits high while working in a construction zone. If you ever find yourself in these situations, use the tips above to help you prepare and maintain your business.